First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius : Surge

The First Quarter square between the Sun and Moon is a pivot and arrives tonight. We’re moving decisively toward the Full Moon now.

The Moon and Jupiter are squaring the Sun, of course, plus Mercury, Mars, and Venus. The Moon and Jupiter also square Neptune in Pisces.

With Neptune opposite the Virgo group, this configuration becomes a T-square.

Sagittarius wants to travel far and wide, moving swiftly. This Moon–Jupiter combo has energy and enthusiasm.

Neptune could show us a glorious vision or instead offer delusions that lead us astray. The Moon is triggering the ongoing Jupiter–Neptune square, so, if this transit is something you’re working with or has been affecting you, expect to feel it strongly at this First Quarter.

The Virgo group is practical, task-focused, and organized. But they might nitpick and check everything until Sagittarius is ready to jumpy in the saddle and ride away.

The challenge at this First Quarter T-square will be to keep our goals clearly in sight and move toward them. We want to avoid being enticed off the path by glamour, or slowed down too much by double-checking everything.

This of the Chariot card in the Tarot. A determined charioteer seeks to control two horses, one white and one black. The race is exhilarating, even as the horses try to pull in different directions. Only the driver’s strength, optimism, and clarity of purpose hold everything together.

At this First Quarter T-square, be the driver.

The image was created with a photo by Helena Lopes :

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