
Wednesday, August 23
Sun Enters Virgo @ 5:01 am EDT
Mercury Stations Retrograde @ 3:59 pm EDT

Wednesday, two events bring our attention to Mercury and the sign of Virgo.

We won’t forget the larger context of Pluto square the Nodes and sextile Neptune, Neptune opposite Mars, Uranus trine Mars and Mercury, and Venus’ retrograde journey. But right now, we need to get some details straight.

First thing in the morning, the Sun enters Virgo. The Sun, core of our being, leaves their place of greatest strength to enter Mercury’s home.

Attention shifts from our core self to the needs of others. No longer blinded by the spotlight, we notice the myriad details around us. And look, some of them are wrong …

The sign change focuses the Sun’s opposition to Saturn in Pisces. We want to get the details sorted out. Saturn wants that too. But which details? Whose details? The directions might be fuzzier than we like.

The Sun in Virgo is ruled by Mercury, also in Virgo. This is a strong Mercury, in their Virgoan domicile where they are also exalted. But this Mercury is stopped in their tracks, stationed.

Wednesday afternoon, Mercury turns retrograde.

This is why Mercury will not complete the trine with Uranus nor the opposition to Neptune, not right now. Mercury is heading back, retracing their steps, reviewing, revising, and revisiting.

This retrograde process has already been underway. Mercury entered their retrograde shadow August 3 at 08º00’ Virgo. We’ve already had our first pass over the degrees important for this particular retrograde.

It’s time to check your birth chart. What planets or points do you have in Virgo? Anything between 08º and 22º will be affected. The same is true for planets or points in the other mutable signs (Gemini, Sag, and Pisces) which will receive squares or oppositions. Taurus and Capricorn will receive trines. Cancer and Scorpio will receive sextiles.

Mercury stations direct on September 15 and moves out of the retrograde shadow on September 30.

This Mercury journey takes place within the longer Venus retrograde. Venus stations direct September 3, but will still be within her shadow. Mercury might help us sort out what we encounter with Venus.

Of course, Mercury has their own agenda. Virgo is a place of devotion to craft, attention to detail, and comfort in having things neatly organized and arranged. It’s also true Virgo can descend into complete mess, but we won’t dwell on that now.

The important thing today is to notice. Very little escapes the attention of Mercury in Virgo. What comes to your attention. Does something go awry? What feels insistent and won’t let you alone until you fix it? Where do your thoughts focus?

These things might need review in the upcoming weeks.

Be prepared. Mercury retrograde in Virgo can disturb organization, including plans and processes. Communications could get scrambled or go missing. Stuff might slip into disorganization.

Try not to default to irritation. Instead, examine what happens. Be studious. Look for patterns. There is much to be learned. The Sun in Virgo can help.

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