Disseminating Moon in Taurus: Awe

At the Full Moon in Aries, our authentic selves lit up. Having traveled through places of shadow, we learned who we are in this life and what we stand for.

As we reach the Disseminating Moon it’s time to share what we know. It’s time to act. We have things to say and do.

Yet as we step into the world, we face a new realization: The world is not quite as we’ve imagined it. It is larger and more powerful than we knew.

We usually welcome the Taurus Moon as a time of calm and well-being, yet in Taurus’ third decan, where we are for this Disseminating Moon, we’re face to face with forces beyond our individual control.

The experience of tending our own gardens with care and deliberation has grown. We now stand in the presence of great mountains, deep oceans, wild skies, and all the forces they can generate.

This year, we can no longer ignore the limits of our individual influence.

So what do we do?

We stand. Or, if we prefer, we bow. This is our arena. This is our time. In the face of immensity, we remain who we are, with our voices and tasks.

The key choice is our approach. Do we cling to old ideas about man (*cough*) having dominion over the Earth? Or do we embrace something wider and wilder and more powerful, something that acknowledges the powers around us?

“Awe” is an old, old word. One of its roots is the experience of fear. The other is respect. We can fear the powers of the world without being crushed by that fear. If we approach with respect, we will find strength and support. We will find allies.

Image adapted from JOHN TOWNER

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