Disseminating Moon in Sagittarius: News!

Overnight, we’ll shift from the Full Moon into the Disseminating phase. We’re ready to share what we learned with the Scorpio Full Moon.

Except with these transits, we’ll probably *hear* news as well as share it. This news could be big, startling, innovative, maybe even game changing.

As the Moon forms her square-and-a-half to the Sun, the Sun is minutes away from their conjunction with Uranus.

The Sun lights up the revolutionary forces at play in the world and in our lives. With Mercury and Venus right there too, we can expect new ideas, new communications, and new creative energy.

The Moon is in late Sagittarius, yearning to travel far and wide sharing the tidings (whatever they are–with Uranus, you never know).This third decan of Sag puts an interesting spin on where we are.

The final decan of Sagittarius puts us up against reality to face a reckoning. Saturn is still here, of course, squaring the Taurus group. And Saturn is said to rule this decan, as the one who sets limits.

The tarot card for this decan is the Ten of Wands, the man weighed down with ten staves, barely making it up the hill. This is where the Moon is, the holder of our emotions and what we carry in our bodies.

Isn’t this exactly where we are? Even when our personal lives are good, secure, happy, we’re aware of the state of the world. Life is precarious. We don’t know how things will go. And too many of us do not have security and happiness, and carry a greater weight.

Notice, though, that the Ten is the final card in the sequence. We might feel we’re at a breaking point, but things are about to change. The burden will fall. We cycle back to the Ace for a new beginning.

Look for the unexpected news. Look for the shift in energy, in perspective, in action. Sudden change can make us anxious. But aren’t we all ready to let our burdens go?

As we move into the Disseminating phase dominated by energies of change, consider whether the anxiety change brings is worth the chance of a better world.

Image adapted from Fidel Fernando

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