Disseminating Moon in Pisces: Reflection

In a few hours, we enter the Disseminating phase as the Moon forms a sesquiquadrate, a square and a half, to the Sun. We’re ready now to share what we learned during the last lunar eclipse, and potentially throughout this eclipse season.

The question is, how?

The square between Mercury retrograde in Cancer and Mars in Aries early today set up the potential for contentious interactions. Mercury has all the feels. Mars wants to do something.

This could lead to fiery words, especially with Mars applying to conjunct Chiron. Mercury is emotional, Chiron highlights where we feel wounded, Mars wants to act.

At the same time, Venus sextiles Mars and Chiron. This steps between the challenging Water–Fire square with a bit of lighthearted curiosity. Venus in Gemini is ready with options, offering ideas for engaging creatively rather than angrily.

The Moon, newly in Pisces, applies to trine Mercury and square Venus, adding another layer to our ideas and communications. A Moon in Pisces can feel vulnerable but also brings creative and spiritual depth.

So, how do we communicate what we’ve learned?

With this complex combination of connections, checking in with ourselves is essential. Yes, emotions are strong right now. Yes, our feelings are what they are and we have them for good reasons.

But are we saying the right things to the right people? Are we clear that what we know is accurate? Are we calling someone out? Would a call in be better? Or are we just looking for a chance to let off steam and vent? Where can we bring in our creativity and our connection to spirit?

Everything is heightened right now, including consequences for our choices. Before we share, taking time to reflect is a great move.

First we do some processing internally. We craft our messages carefully, creatively. Then we share.

Image adapted from Ali Abdul Rahman

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