Disseminating Moon in Aries: Courage & Vulnerability

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This Disseminating Moon points to Brené Brown’s work. A strong advocate for authenticity and vulnerability, she acknowledges how tough it is to show up as our full selves and calls us to do it anyway.

The Moon @ 29 Aries is conjunct Mars @ 28. With Venus @ 29 Cancer, this Disseminating Moon returns us to the Venus–Mars square from Friday. “This,” the Moon says, “feel this.”

We’re emerging from the visionary mists of the Pisces Full Moon. It’s time to share what we’ve experienced. We’ll meet with acceptance, resistance, or some of both. What counsel does this Moon offer?

It’s a potent time. The Moon, Mars, and Venus are all in the third decan of their signs, as are Saturn and Pluto in theirs, places of culmination before changing into a new mode of experience.

The last decan of Aries is ruled by Venus. Austin Coppock named it “The Burning Rose.” Here we use our creative power to attain our desires. The square to Venus and the lingering tendrils of the Full Moon offer access to artistic expression.

The last decan of Cancer is about luxury. Having more than we need, what do we choose to do with it? Hold on, tight-fisted? Share?

We know Mars is stopping to turn Rx, giving him more power. At this time, we’re shown stark choices ranging from rage we call protective to an inclusive but vulnerable generosity.

What do we feel? Notice what you want to say, and to whom. Remember that vulnerability and openness call for courage, a deeper, cleaner, more profound courage than acting out in anger or fear.

The Sun in mid Virgo wants a careful, measured approach. Mercury, newly arrived in Libra, supports harmony and justice.

The choice is our own.

“We can have courage or we can have comfort. We cannot have both.” –Brené Brown

Image adapted from Martin Widenka

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