Crescent Moon in Virgo: A Way In

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The Sun has entered their own sign, the Lion, the heart, our courage, our passion.
This is a real shift from our month in the sign of Cancer, when we felt so tender and vulnerable. Now we’re ready to shine.

Well, maybe not totally ready, not yet. Tonight we reach the Crescent Moon, when, yes, we want to move, act, participate but we are still haunted by whatever is unresolved in us.

The Moon led the way into Leo and cut a bright swath through the sunshine in the last few days but now we’re in Virgo. Here, the Moon is acutely aware of the challenges ahead and not certain how to approach them.

At the Crescent, the Moon is semisquare the Sun, feeling edgy, maybe a bit anxious. An applying opposition toNeptune creates an awareness of vastness, which the Virgo Moon will not find reassuring. A trine to the Capricorn group might feel like running up an endless hill, or falling down one.

The Virgo Moon may be unsure. They are also undaunted. We’re not about to stop now. We won’t miss this adventure.

What we need is a way in. Tonight, we’re looking for those first small steps. If we get in touch with Virgo’s carefulness and precision, we will see what to do next.

That’s all we need. One, maybe two steps. A beginning. A way in.

Image adapted from Nikola Knezevic

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