Crescent Moon in Taurus: New Ground

posted in: Crescent Moon, Taurus | 0

Today we reached the Crescent Moon. The Moon, 45 degrees from the Sun, can be seen in the sky again. We catch a glimpse of what might be growing from the New Moon seeds.

The Moon is in early Taurus, just past Uranus as he starts he journey to blaze new trails in this sign of patience, loyalty, and care for the Earth.

Is this a pioneer Moon? Taurus prefers safety and security, so, maybe not. Yet this Moon loves the Earth. Maybe she is looking ahead, wanting to make sure everything is OK.

The Sun and Neptune flow visionary Piscean energy to the North Node in Cancer, the clear focus of this chart. We look to the future but can’t see it yet. We long for a better future and are not sure of the way.

Much is uncertain. Mercury is still early in his retrograde through Pisces, heading back to his conjunction with the Sun.

Much is hidden from us. And this is a hopeful chart. Look, the Moon says, there are good things here. Things we enjoy. Things that give us pleasure. Along the way, let’s find some of those.

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