Crescent Moon in Taurus: Calm

posted in: Crescent Moon, Taurus | 0

We’re entering the Crescent phase in a few hours with the Moon in early Taurus. Today and for the next few days, we’re invited to find calm, within and without.

Taurus is a calm sign. The strength and stillness of Taurus is an orientation, a character trait, and also a choice.

In a world in which peace can seem out of reach, we’re invited to remember that our own peace is something we choose to cultivate.

Taurus is associated with farming in traditional ways. Those who tended food crops knew they could not control the weather. Yet tend they cared for the fields and plants steadily.

We’ve just emerged from some gnarly astrology that fostered conflict, creating a sense of being caught up in things totally out of our control. The next two lunations, the Full Moon of March 25 and the New Moon of April 8, are eclipses, so we’re heading into some chaotic winds again.

These days offer respite. We can get our bearings, find inner calm, and tend to stressors in our lives.

The Moon at 08º30’ Taurus will soon conjunct Jupiter–they meet at 7:12 pm EDT tonight. Moon–Jupiter connections bring a calm optimism. We feel we have the strength and resources to continue.

Jupiter and Uranus are close together, so the Moon will gather Jupiterian messages and carry them to Uranus. The Moon and Uranus meet at 6:00 am EDT tomorrow, March 14.

Uranus is change. Welcome or now, change is the only constant. Today’s world can feel overwhelming. The constant pace of change seems ominous, threatening, and difficult to manage.

This Taurus Moon invites us to slow down, accept what is, and move gently into what’s next.

We’re also in a Piscean time, made lovelier by Venus’ entry into Pisces on March 11. The misty, undetermined quality of Pisces feels comforting to some of us, and destabilizing to others.

The combination of Pisces and Taurus makes me think of Stoicism and Daoism.

Taurus often seems stoic, a natural follower of a philosophy that sees the world as ordered by laws we do not control. Peace comes through acceptance of what fate brings.

Pisces is a mystic, attuned to hidden tides we cannot control but can learn to swim in, finding beauty and meaning. Peace comes through acceptance of our existence in a fluid, yet unitary, cosmos.

Taurus and Pisces together feel Daoist. Acceptance is indeed the key to happiness, but in a world filled with mystery and beauty. We accept what comes gratefully in the sure knowledge that time brings change.

In Daoism, we dance with all that is, the seen and unseen. We live ordinary lives in an extraordinary world.

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