Crescent Moon in Scorpio: Can’t Get No …

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We’re emerging from a New Moon that ushered in autumn, reminding us of what’s going away, with a promise of new to come. But when? we ask. When?

Monday’s Crescent Moon is a time to reach for our goals. With a Moon in Scorpio, though, the mood might be one of divine discontent.

Scorpio has depth, power, and a certain wariness. This is a sign of sharp, sometimes unusual, desires. Yet the Moon is not at her best here. This first decan includes the degree in which the Moon is traditionally said to fall.

Aspects in this chart point to a feeling of wanting without satisfaction.

The Sun at 25º53’ Virgo has moved into a stronger version of the Grand Trine in Earth linking Uranus and Pluto to our star. The Sun is 3º past Uranus and 2º from an exact trine to Pluto.

We feel the uncertainty of life, its unpredictability and caprice (Uranus). We’re aware of deep forces of change, inexorable and strong (Pluto). Yet the Sun still shines. We keep going.

The Moon moves to oppose Jupiter and square Venus, turning this ongoing square into a T-square. Jupiter and Venus like to be mutually supportive, even when squaring each other, but what if we’re missing something? Is a hidden factor getting in our way?

A key question for this Crescent Moon is: What are we afraid of?

Think of your most cherished goals. What anxieties come up? Check where this Moon at 10º53’ Scorpio falls in your chart. The House, and any planets or points the Moon is aspecting, show us where to look.

Venus in Leo and Mars in Libra separate from a sextile. Maybe Venus gave Mars a boost of confidence and some tips on how to be diplomatic.

Sorting out what’s in our way, with a particular focus on fears, is the power move for this Crescent Moon.

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