Crescent Moon in Scorpio: Aware

posted in: Crescent Moon, Scorpio | 0

As I begin preparing for this waxing cycle, I see why trust will be important. I mean, trust is foundational. And our trust will be called on in the next few weeks.

Starting with the Crescent Moon, which arrives tomorrow morning around dawn. The Moon is in Scorpio, still conjunct Venus in the final, intense degree of Libra.

In this phase, we begin to act. We take steps toward our New Moon goals. Yet Mars, the doer, is hidden now as the Sun–Mars conjunction moves closer. Our actions are unseen, possibly unclear.

Which of course they are with a Scorpio Moon.

Later today, Venus moves into Scorpio, a place where the powers of creativity, relating, and fertility can be intense and difficult. Venus is not at home in Scorpio, ruling instead the opposite sign of Taurus.

Friday is Venus’ day, though, so our opportunity to sense into this Libra–Scorpio transition is strong and focused.

We’re on the threshold of dark passions. We need to trust our instincts as we remember that dark is not bad, or evil, even when taboo. We need to be aware, but not afraid. There is gold here.

The Moon’s first aspect will be a square to Saturn, already within orb. Do we accept Saturnian limits and structure? Or are we rebelling against them? This Moon will also oppose revolutionary Uranus in the nest few days.

We prepare to act, knowing there is more here than meets the eye.

Image adapted from Mohammad Metri

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