Crescent Moon in Pisces: Earth Dreaming

posted in: Crescent Moon, Pisces | 0

The Moon, already in Pisces, connects us to All That Is. Just past her sextile with Uranus in Taurus, she calls our attention to the Jupiter–Uranus square.

Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, is forging new stories in Aquarius.

Uranus is quietly, inexorably, awakening the Earth, or perhaps less awakening the already-very-alive Earth and more attuning us to new stories tugging at our hearts.

The Moon applies to sextile Venus in Capricorn. This Moon of mist and fog is tethered to Earth on either side, shining her new light from deep pools.

Stories rise up like stones from the earth.

This afternoon, we’ll enter the Crescent phase. Already, the slivered Moon has returned to the sky. We will begin to see what shape our transformations will take as they stumble into the light.

At the Crescent, the Moon will be applying to Neptune, also in Pisces. Both will square the Nodes of the Moon, along with Ceres, the mother of spring.

We have been in darkness. The heaviness, the stickiness, is not gone yet. We don’t see clearly. We’re not sure what is coming.

This Moon reminds us about, connects us to, other ways of knowing. Set aside cold logic today for the magic, the mysterious, and the lyrical.

Image adapted from Ryan Stone

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