Crescent Moon in Leo: Voice

posted in: Crescent Moon, Leo | 0

At this Crescent Moon in Leo, we find ourselves in deep waters of emotion, intuition, spiritual experience, and creativity. The mystery and magic of Neptune’s station in Pisces flows all of this toward the Crescent Moon.

At this phase the Moon is semisquare the Sun, 45 degrees ahead, shining clearly in the night sky. The semisquare is not one of the classic, Ptolemaic aspects yet it is crucial to defining this lunar phase.

The Moon doesn’t form any classical aspects at all. The connection to Neptune is an inconjunct. The trines to Lilith and Eris would not be counted because both are modern discoveries.

So we find the Moon alone, which is just fine with a Leo Moon. The links to Neptune, Lilith, and Chiron are significant, though, giving access to intense sources of insight and emotion that are often discounted even today.

Sometimes we give voice to more than our personal story. Artists have the training and skill to portray characters beyond the individual self. Sometimes we, trained or not, are touched by events, embody an archetype, and express something extraordinary.

This is what Liz Gilbert spoke of in her famous TED talk on creativity and our concept of genius.

The Leo Crescent Moon has a genius. In this phase we might feel carried beyond ourselves, able to give voice to something deep in our hearts. This experience can be moving, passionate, and creative. Exactly what a Leo Moon wants.

As the Moon reaches the end of Leo, Venus stations retrograde (2:48 am EDT on Thursday, June 25). This is another intensification of our creative drive and need to connect with others.

At this time, we’re offered the focus and desire to shape our feelings and perceptions into art. The more authentic our expression, the stronger our voice will be.

Image originally posted to Flickr by Quincena Musical

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