Crescent Moon in Cancer: Earth Goddess

posted in: Cancer, Crescent Moon | 0

The Crescent Moon returns light to the night sky and offers the first hints of our New Moon growth.

At tomorrow morning’s Crescent Moon in Cancer, we’re in the hands of the goddess, one who cares deeply for the Earth and all living things. She offers care and healing, though these may show up in unexpected ways.

The Moon at 2 Cancer sextiles Mercury and Uranus at 3 Taurus. Earth magic is afoot and will surprise us! The Moon squares Chiron at 4 Aries: It is time to face where we’re hurting and accept the care we need.

The Sun at 17 Taurus trines the South Node and sextiles the North: We carefully, steadily gather the best of the past to bring forth into the future. The Sun sextiles Neptune at 18 Pisces, who also aspects the Nodes of the Moon. More signs of Earth magic!

The Goddess is in her power and we do well to heed her. Venus in Aries is conjunct Eris as both trine Jupiter. We and the Earth definitely need healing. It is past time to pay attention.

Venus and Eris also square Pluto and Saturn. This connection brings in a more somber note and possibly an obsessive one. We can remind ourselves that while we have work to do, outcomes and big picture stuff is not under our control. Leave those things in the hands of the goddess.

This Crescent Moon is gentle but insistent, both grounded and visionary. Pay attention to what surprises you on May 8. Add it to your list of hallmarks for Uranus in Taurus. Watch especially for healing.

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