Consider a ❊ Year Ahead ❊ Reading

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Consider a ❊ Year Ahead ❊ reading annually, about two months before each birthday.
This reading includes an evaluation of your Solar Return and Secondary Progressions, as well as important transits for the year ahead.
Each year, the Sun returns to the exact position it was when you were born: your solar return! What are important themes for this year? What challenges and opportunities lie ahead? The Solar return chart does not replace your birth chart. Instead, it complements it, coloring each year from birthday to birthday.
Secondary Progressions track the natural unfolding of your birth chart. When progressed planets change sign, or turn retrograde or direct, this can sync with important shifts in our inner and outer lives.
To book a reading, visit my website at or click the Email button in my profile to send me a message!
Image created from a photo by Yuriy Kovalev :

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