Balsamic Moon in Virgo: Observances

posted in: Balsamic Moon, Virgo | 2

We’ve just stepped through the threshold of the Balsamic Moon, the time when the Moon grows darker and disappears from the sky.

The Virgo Moon invites us into a careful process of letting go, one filled with depth and mystery.

The Virgo Moon, humble and wishing to be of service, is ruled by Mercury, who today stations @ 11 Scorpio to begin their retrograde journey back through Scorpio and into Libra. Just after 9 pm EDT, Mercury will begin.

The Moon will sextile Mercury less than an hour before the retrograde begins, and reach conjunction with Venus just before 11 pm EDT. Venus holds her sextile to Mercury.

Today, and throughout this Balsamic phase, we are invited into the presence of dark mysteries and dark goddesses.

In the ordinary sense, we might uncover secrets that allow us to let something finally go completely. We could be reminded of things we’d forgotten and need to take care of.

Emotionally, we’ll have a chance to explore fears and anxieties that get in the way. Some fears are well founded and still keep us from taking protective action.

In the realms of spirit, we might be invited to connect with ancestors, or spirits of the waning year. Our intuitive skills may deepen, especially if we let go of fears in this area.

Virgo is Mercury’s Earth sign, a place of doing, making, and mending. Images of rituals come forward, of offerings, of walking meditation, of tending to gardens with a sense of deeper presence.

This is a time for noticing. What, and who, calls your attention? Is someone reminding you of things forgotten? Notice the shadowy times, the way light changes at dusk. What can we let go of gently?

Image adapted from Kyle

2 Responses

  1. James Mitchell

    I want to say thank you Mary Pat Lynch for your thought-provoking and idea-generating podcast. I find it beautiful and a joy to listen to. I’m now starting to view your website some. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and gifts with your growing audience!

    • RisingMoon

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you found your way here 🙂

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