Balsamic Moon in Sagittarius: Pilgrims

Tonight we entered the Balsamic Moon phase. This is the time for letting things go as we prepare to welcome the New Moon.

We think of Balsamic Moons as sequestered, reflective times. Yet here we are exploring new lands:

The Sun has entered Aquarius and moves to square Uranus. All bets are off and anything can happen. The Sagittarius Moon, fresh from a conjunction with Mars. is ready for a quest.

With Shakespeare’s Viola, we look around and say, “What country, friends, is this?

We feel light, buoyant, and ready to travel. Perhaps we’re tempted to dump everything, all of it, and walk into this new landscape completely unfettered by the past.

On the other hand, we don’t want to lose the valuable and hard-won wisdom we’ve gathered.

How do we know what to keep and what to leave behind?

The answer lies in what our quest is. We are pilgrims now. What road are we on? Where are we headed? What is our goal?

These questions will guide us in choosing what we must have and what we can let go of.

Image adapted from a photo by Lena Bell:

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