Balsamic Moon in Pisces: The Unknowns

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Tonight we enter a Balsamic Moon filled with mystery. The chart is magical: The Moon brings Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune into conjunction. This meeting puts us, our feelings, our sensations, ourselves, in the midst of the cosmos.

This is a place of depth and majesty, and magics beyond our imagining.

How we feel about this depends on our relationship to what is beyond the ordinary human world. We may feel wonder, curiosity inspiration. We may feel confusion and anxiety. Both, of course, are possible.

Quite apart from this being a Balsamic Moon, tonight’s chart is an amazing one for dreaming, lucid dreaming, divination, and mediation.

Yet this Balsamic phase asks us to begin the process of letting go. What are we to let go of, in a sky this mysterious? How can we have clarity about the process?

There are several things to keep in mind.

This Balsamic Moon reminds us where we are. The approaching New Moon is an eclipse conjunct Uranus. Unpredictability is the word, here. So we are invited to let go of the need to know. We’re asking to release any ideas we have that we can control, well, anything.

We exist within a vast cosmos beyond what we can know. With the right mindset and an open heart, we can find rest in this.

This Balsamic Moon presents us with paths to understanding and insight. Can we release rigid ways of thinking? Can we soften our hearts and steer away from criticism and condemnation? Can we instead look for understanding and mutual respect?

The Piscean planets are sextiling the North Node and Mercury in Taurus. Can we center ourselves in our bodies, in our place on this Earth, and still feel the presence of All That Is? Mercury is entering his shadow, before turning retrograde in Gemini. We are looking inward.

There is a need to be discerning here too.

The Pisces group is not at all interested in boundaries. In life, proper boundaries, well maintained, are essential for us. Saturn, squaring the North Node and Mercury, reminds us of this.

Our cosmic exploring works best when we have a strong container.

Title adapted from Casey Horner

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