Balsamic Moon in Pisces: Contemplation

We enter the quiet space of the Balsamic Moon on Sunday. We have work to do here and this is also a contemplative pause before moving into the chaotic energy of the eclipse New Moon in Aries.

The Moon is in middle of Pisces, a place where we can find happiness in both material and spirit realms–but only if we can reconcile our hopes, ideals, and aspirations with the reality we find ourselves in. I mean, no pressure.

This Moon is connected. She’s been checking in with many other planets. First is the semisquare, the 45º angle between the Sun and Moon that defines the Balsamic phase. This edgy connection tells us it’s time to do the work.

The Moon and Mars trine each other, a partile connection. Here our impulse and our capacity to act are already focused on the Moon’s concerns (Mars in the Moon’s home). The Pisces Moon sees that action in the world (Mars) needs to happen in a much wider context of all that is beyond our ordinary reality (Pisces).

The Moon moves into a sextile with Mercury in Taurus. Our highest aspirations (Moon in Pisces) are linked to what we know when we’re firmly grounded (Mercury in Taurus).

The Moon is leaving a square with Venus in Gemini. Perhaps we feel a bit overwhelmed by all the data coming at us and long for that time away to reflect.

The Moon is also about to move out of orb of a conjunction with Saturn, also in Pisces. We have a new perspective on the ways in which we structure our beliefs, principles, and understandings of the cosmos. This deserves to be the foundation of how we move forward.

The Balsamic phase is the time to let go of all we have finished, and all that has finished with us.

This lunar cycle has brought us from one New Moon in Aries to another New Moon in Aries that is also a eclipse. There’s been plenty of quick moves, sharp turns, and surprises.

It’s time now to stop. What have we experienced? How can we reconcile that with our core beliefs and ideals? Look carefully at where these two areas–real life experience and our beliefs about life–don’t match. What needs to be adjusted? What can we release?

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