Balsamic Moon in Libra: Healing

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With a Libra Moon, we enter the Balsamic phase, a time of rest and release to prepare for a new lunar cycle.

The complexities of eclipse season take some sorting out. We see that process reflected in the chart.

The Scorpio Sun trines Jupiter as both sextile Pluto. We remain in a nexus of transformation as we reorient to new realities. This Sun–Pluto–Jupiter connection creates the deep background for an ongoing exploration of who we are now.

The Libra Moon is part of a Grand Trine in Air with Saturn and Mars. Not any easy spot for a sensitive Moon to be.

In Libra, the Moon’s role is mediation. She’s tasked with getting Saturn and Mars to sit down and talk things out. It’s not clear how the conversations will go, but the Moon is showing up to give it a try.

Saturn is strong, in direct motion in a sign in which they’re powerful. Mars, retrograde in Gemini, lacks the capacity to win against an adamant Saturn. Yet mediation can still be fruitful.

The Moon is opposite Chiron in Aries.

This connection with the wounded healer tells us why the Moon is ready to sit down to such difficult negotiations. Healing opportunities are available.

We gain clarity about what we need to release, so we can move on.

Have we been too Saturnian in these chaotic times? Holding on for dear life to familiar structures whether they’re good for us or not? Perhaps the path to healing includes flexibility, a willingness to consider other points of view.

Maybe we’re irritated and stuck with Mars Rx. We can’t get what we want, so we get sarcastic. Nothing’s any good. It’s all going straight downhill. If this feels familiar, some Saturnian backbone might be helpful. Not the old structures we’ve outgrown, but new ones that fit the future we want to build.

We may not work everything out in these last days before the New Moon, but we can clear the ground. Getting back to essentials is a true step forward and exactly the sort of thing Balsamic Moons are made for.

The title image is an original Midjourney render.

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