Balsamic Moon in Aries: Taking Risks

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On Monday, the Moon’s Day, we enter the Balsamic phase, the time of letting go. Most often seen as a quiet, shadowy time, this waning cycle charges in with an Aries Moon.

Perhaps we’re meant to cut away what no longer serves us, prune roots and branches growing in unhealthy ground. The Moon has passed her conjunction with Chiron the wounded healer and knows where the wounded places are. She has also just left Lilith, a fierce but also wounded feminine energy, reviled because she stood up for herself.

So, yes, a time of separation.

Venus retrograde reviews our relationships, considering what works and what does not. Venus for now contemplates only. It is not yet time to take action. She applies to square Neptune again, which means both intuitive insights and a lack of clarity may surround our perceptions.

On the other hand, the Aries Moon sextiles Mercury in Gemini. These two are undoubtedly up to something. Tricksters. Sleight of hand magicians. Pickpockets. Picture this pair moving through a fairground, down a city street, wandering apparently aimlessly.

Dice appear, tossed from hand to hand. They roll. Someone calls the numbers. A loss? A win? A little of both?

We are about to enter Gemini’s world. At this Balsamic Moon, we begin to step out of the stolid security of Taurus and sniff the air of a bright new morning.

As we prepare for a new cycle, we’re invited to take a risk. Toss the dice. Place a bet.

The result will reveal something about the Gemini cycle to come. Just don’t bet the whole farm.

Image by Terry Vlisidis

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