Balsamic Moon in Aquarius: The Power of Words

posted in: Aquarius, Balsamic Moon | 0

Overnight (Monday, April 1, 3:14 am EDT), we’ll reach the Balsamic Moon. This semisquare between the Sun and Moon marks the time when we’re ready to let go, releasing what no longer fits.

Balsamic Moons tend to be contemplative times, sometimes marked by nostalgia. We know it’s time to turn from the past toward the future, but it’s not always easy for us. We may feel this over the next few days.

The meeting of Pluto and the South Node of the Moon certainly points to the powerful pull of the past. Deep transformations are happening here. We see clearly what needs to be excised and yet somehow it’s still with us. Plutonian change is never easy.

There is a tension between the Sun and Moon. The Aries Sun wants movement, new horizons, and quick change. The Aquarius Moon says, does this fit the Big Plan? What are the long term implications of this change? How will the community be affected?

And yet, the winds have changed. Mercury, though still conjunct Neptune is direct now. Mars has moved into Gemini and sextile Chiron in Aries. Our actions are quicker, deft, innovative, and surprising.

We suddenly have access to words again. The intense emotionality of the past month is still here, but we can talk about it now. We want to talk about it.

Herein lies the danger. We may find ourselves saying the wrong things to the wrong people. We might suddenly share something deep and tender with someone struggling with their own emotions and not ready to listen.

Language is a powerful tool for releasing. The key at this Balsamic Moon will be managing our words. Write, sketch, write some more. Talk with those who can listen with empathy and love. Avoid sharing too soon, about things too vulnerable, with those who might not be able to accept what they hear.

Use your words to explore everything that has come up for you during these last weeks. There’s a lot to be integrated. Be sensitive to your own process and to those you talk with.

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