Disseminating Moon in Sagittarius: Fast-Forward

Today we ride into the Disseminating phase fueled by an out-of-bounds Moon in late Sagittarius.

After the tumult of eclipse season, the Scorpio Full Moon + Pluto, and the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction, this Moon is ready to ride. Energy is high. We’ve got places to be, people. Let’s move!

This Moon connects so much in the chart: Squares to Mars and Neptune in Pisces. Trines to Chiron, Eris, and Venus in Aries. We’ve got too much to say and too little time to say it.

Then there’s the quincunx to Jupiter–Uranus. What’s that about?

The Jupiter–Uranus conjunction is still busy. Seeds have been planted. New ideas shimmer on the horizon. Sparks of connection light up the sky.

Yet it could be years before we see the fruits. Is it really time to say all the things? Or should we pause and reflect?

A quincunx (150º) connects two planets that struggle to understand each other. They share neither an element or a mode.

Jupiter and Uranus are fixed Earth. The Moon is mutable Fire. Are they even speaking the same language?

Jupiter rules Sag and therefore the Moon. Doesn’t that help? Maybe, but this Moon is really out of bounds, which supercharges the speedy certainty of Sag.

Over the next day or two, we may overshare, believe we have all the answers, get impatient, and irritate people around us. It’s a good time to breathe deeply and listen carefully.

April 29, Venus moves into Taurus. Ahhhhh. Venus at home. Serene and peaceful. It’s easier to be graceful and grateful.

April 30, Mars enters Aries. Ohhhh! More energy, clarity, and action. Mars will charge up Mercury through the last of the post-shadow degrees, helping us get clear on what the retrograde messages are.

As Venus and Mars shift, each aspects Pluto. We’re reminded there are great depths here. Shadow too. Speed will not serve us.

So, be noticing. Find calm when you feel yourself speeding up. Understand we don’t have all the info yet.

Remember the old blues song written by Stix Cooke and will Jennings, recorded by Bonnie Raitt and BB King and many others:

• Never make a move too soon •

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