First Quarter Moon in Cancer: Everyday Caring

The Moon sails through Cancer today, her own sign. This is a place of nurturing, of showing we care for those close to us, for ourselves, and for the world.

Overnight, the Moon squares the Aries Sun, opening the First Quarter phase. Squares present a challenge. This one shows us how to reach our goals for this lunar cycle, and beyond.

What does this Moon in Cancer want us to know?

Cancer is the everyday Water sign. Scorpio dives deep into recesses of the psyche, facing up to the dark and difficult. Pisces soars, connecting us with the farthest reaches of the cosmos and showing us we belong.

In Cancer, we care in ordinary ways. Cancer loves staying home, comfort food, and warm hugs. Cancer cares for the young, the elderly, the sick, the lonely.

We’ve been exploring the magical realms of Piscean mystery. We’re inspired, uplifted, and possibly misled. We’ve been drawn into the cerebral heights of Aquarius, where grand plans for the collective take shape. And Aries, where we boldly strike out on new paths.

This Cancer Moon wants to know what’s for lunch.

Here’s a nudge that no matter how grand, cosmic, or pioneering we are, we still need to eat and sleep. We need to take care of home and family.

Cancer is a traditional signs that values roots. We’re told not to forget where we came from.

This First Quarter phase is a cosmic one. We’re about to experience the Jupiter–Neptune conjunction, one of the signature aspects of the spring and of this year.

We’ll be invited into expansive experiences of what lies beyond ordinary reality. We’ll get a look at how delusions and illusions are constructed and become compelling.

This Cancer Moon reminds us we still put on our pants one leg at a time. That nods in the kitchen as we say we’re leaving for Alpha Centauri and adds, “don’t forget your warm jacket.”

Take care of yourself out there. Take care of those around you. We’re all in this together.

Title adapted from jana bemol

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