Crescent Moon in Pisces: Future Possible

posted in: Crescent Moon, Pisces | 0

The Moon has entered Pisces, leaving the hard-edged Saturn-influenced signs behind for something softer and more nebulous. The Moon immediately moves to conjunct Jupiter, who is thrilled to be in Pisces, and create something magical for everyone.

We’re also about to enter the Crescent phase. The light of the Moon returns. We begin to see (in Pisces, primarily to feel) what we want and how we might go about attaining it.

The Moon and Jupiter together offer a much rosier view than anything we’ve had since last June. Over the next two and a half days, it might feel easier to breathe.

We might fall asleep easier at night and could be visited by strong dreams.

If we use medications, we might find we’re more sensitive to their effects. If we use intoxicants, the same: Be aware that the effect of anything we take can be heightened. The attraction of being intoxicated, itself, may feel stronger.

These next days can be wonderful for spiritual practices, especially ones that rely on trance or other altered forms of consciousness.

The Moon and Jupiter also square the Nodes of the Moon, currently at 0 Gemini and Sagittarius. This is a farewell and benediction as the Nodes shift into Taurus and Scorpio for the next round of eclipses.

The square to the Nodes heightens our awareness of time, and fate, and the connection between past and future. The Moon and Jupiter offer a brightness we haven’t felt in a while when we think about what might be coming next.

If you haven’t made wishes for this new year yet, it’s a good time. Or for vision boards or similar ways of looking ahead. It’s a propitious time for divination–the veils feel more permeable.

If it’s been hard to find hope, these next few days can make it easier to imagine a better time.

Image adapted from Lucie Dawson

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