Waxing Sextile Moon in Taurus: Embodied

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A Taurus Moon is usually described as calm, slow moving, patient, and relaxed. In keeping with the times, today’s Taurus Moon will need to call on a certain determination and good self care practices to keep calm.

The overall mood today is intense. Venus is conjunct Eris while squaring Pluto, which points to transformational shifts in our relationships, creativity, and money. There’s also a possibility of obsession, compulsion, and flashes of rage along the way.

The Moon herself met with Uranus on her way into Taurus so we already knew to expect the unexpected. Mercury sextiles Uranus, keeping the cauldron on a low boil.

Chiron and Lilith are squaring the Nodes. Patterns of pain and injustice are coming up for healing.

Neptune sextiles Jupiter, connecting the realms of watery magic with grounded pragmatism.

How do we handle this much intensity? We feel the feels and stay with the body.

That’s really it. Whatever arises, whatever happens, we stay with the body. That’s how the most powerful and longest lasting healing happens.

This too is part of the fire-in-water motif. Remember the young boys? Gwion Bach and Finn mac Cool, Welsh and Irish. Gwion Bach compelled to tend Cerridwen’s cauldron. Finn sitting with his teacher minding the salmon of wisdom roasting on the spit.

In each tale, at the opportune. a bubble of liquid bursts. It lands not on the intended recipient but on each boy. The drop is hot! The boys stick their fingers into their mouths.

This moment, taking the heated magic into their bodies, is when they are enlightened. This is how they acquire the magic that has come to them.

Let the Taurus Moon help you stay embodied today.

Image by Alexander Krivitskiy

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