Waning Trine Moon in Libra: Exchange

posted in: Libra, Waning Trine | 0

The waning trine that happens inside the Disseminating phase offers a window of mutual understanding and cooperation. Usually.

This time, it might feel a bit edgy. The late Libra Moon remains the focus of attention. There is support from the Sun and Mars, but challenging aspects to pretty much everything else.

For that reason, this trine may offer more inner insight than outer cooperation. This too is valuable, especially as we head into a Mercury retrograde in Pisces.

A trine between a Libra Moon and Aquarius Sun is excellent for sorting out what we think and comparing that to how others think. If arguments are underway, these Air signs make it easier to step back from the brink and stay calm.

If Mercury, already in shadow, is offering you some retrograde fog, spending time with clear-thinking Air signs can be great.

Mars in Sagittarius sextiles both Sun and Moon, offering the optimism and energy to put ideas into action. Sagittarius is inclusive and open minded, valuable qualities when people struggle to find common ground.

Exchange is all about reciprocity. At this trine, notice how you share information and ideas with others, and how they share with you. Do your exchanges feel balanced? Helpful? Informative?

If they do, wonderful. If not, consider what might need to change. What you learn now is something you can reflect on and reassess during the coming retrograde, which begins Feb 16.

We want and need to connect with others for so many reasons. The waning trine offers insight and support in this important aspect of being human.

Image by Joshua Ness

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