Waning Sextile Moon in Sagittarius: Distill

Before dawn, the Moon and Sun will meet in the waning sextile. Both will have arrived at key, intense points of transition: Moon at 29 Sagittarius and Sun at 29 Aquarius.

We are on the threshold of Pisces season, the Sun entering this last sign of the zodiac just before noon EST. What did we learn while the Sun was in Aquarius? What did we perceive? Understand?

Whatever insights we gained are all gathered together in this morning of transition. The logic and clarity of fixed Air are about to shift into something more nebulous, emotional, and magical.

The Moon has been on a journey as well, ranging far and wide, riding fast over Sagittarian terrain. Before the Sun leaves Aquarius, the Moon will enter Capricorn. For a short time, the luminaries will each be in Saturn-ruled signs.

We have an opportunity this morning for deep, focused understanding. This knowing will, perhaps, feel clean and straightforward in its inception, but won’t stay that way. To hold onto this insight, we will need to dive after it into the mists.

Mercury is retrograde, after all. When the Sun shifts into Pisces, our brightest light will join Mercury and Neptune in a place of mysticism and poetry.

We must distill the essence of what we have learning, carrying away only a few drops of concentrated wisdom.

Can the Moon in Capricorn provide the needed discipline? This is not the happiest place for the Moon. Yet the task is clear: The messenger Moon will confer with Mars, the South Node, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn to extract whatever information we need.

Sometimes magic requires a concentrated, carefully distilled potion. With a steady hand, we can create that today.

Image by Efe Kurnaz

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