Mercury Cazimi: Fire in Water

posted in: Aries, New Moon | 0

We’re still in the time of the New Moon, floating in the mists and drifting in the currents.

Tonight, if we watch, we’ll catch a bright flash shining deep in the waters. Mercury will gain audience with the Sun and be illuminated.

This moment won’t last long but it does offer an opening, an ah-ha, a glimpse that could be delightful or shocking or both.

A theme is emerging for this waxing Moon cycle, an ancient motif called “fire in water.” The classical element system tells us fire and water don’t mix, yet there is another ancient source that points to an illumination and power that only comes from watery depths.

This is awen (Welsh), imbas forosnai (ancient Irish), the light of poetry, spiritual insight, and magical power. This is vision, clairvoyance, and inspiration.

We might not quite touch it today, but we can glimpse it and feel its power.

Watch for the light. Follow where it leads.

Image by Kristopher Roller

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