Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Negative Capability

Tomorrow’s Last Quarter Moon, a square from Moon to Sun, is a point of inflection, a sharp corner as we turn toward a deeper shadow. This is where we choose what to integrate and what to release.

Here we stand in whatever truth we’ve gathered along this journey.

Moon in late Scorpio, Sun in late Aquarius, we weigh solar and lunar, day and night, light and shadow. To navigate in chiaroscuro, our values light the way––while the psyche underpins everything.

The unconsciousness is shadow, deep dark. The undertow is strong. We are wary of getting in too deep. Yet it’s foolish to espouse values and pursue goals not aligned with who we are.

To balance this square, look into the darkness. The Scorpio Moon sextiles Saturn, having just passed Pluto. We have a chance to see what lies underneath the structure of power we face. With Mars poised to enter Capricorn tomorrow, this is a good time to look.

Venus in Aries has just squared the Nodes. Chiron move to take her place. There are wounds here in the dark. Some are bleeding.

On the 16th, the day after the Last Quarter phase begins, Mercury stations retrograde. Mars enters Capricorn. Venus shifts into the second decan of Aries.

We live in a relentlessly bright culture. Holding space for mystery is seen as a waste of time, or even dangerous. Yet at the Last Quarter, this is our task. The poet Keats understood the vital importance of this holding of space, naming it “negative capability.”

We are gathering magic from the shadows to carry with us. We look into our own depths to find those parts of ourselves that are ripe to undergo a sea-change into something rich and strange.

Image by Austin Neill

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