First Quarter Moon in Cancer: Dream a Better World

Today we enter the First Quarter with the Moon in late Cancer. This is the Moon’s homeplace. Here she is strong and present.

This is a connected Moon, aspecting many other planets, carrying messages from one to another.

The Moon squares the Sun, which defines this phase. We see where we need to act in order to reach our goals. With a Moon in Cancer squaring an Aries Sun, we focus on the point where action meets emotion.

We’re reminded to pay attention to our gut reactions. Sure, we want to do this thing, but does it feel right? Is it aligned with who we are? Will this action address the situation?

Mercury retrograde is conjunct Chiron. We reflect on links between action and wounding. Sometimes we must act quickly to prevent harm. Other times we cause harm by acting quickly, without fully considering the impacts.

The Moon separates from a square to Chiron and Mercury Rx, carrying this information to the Sun.

Mercury Rx and Venus are converging on the North Node, all in Aries. Perhaps Venus and Mercury can temper the North Node’s tendency to grab first and ask questions later (if ever).

Mars in Pisces moves to sextile the Jupiter–Uranus conjunction. Mars in cosmic Pisces comes trailing clouds of glory. The Jupiter–Uranus conjunction signals significant innovations (as well as startling events). Perhaps the Mars connection brings a chance to remember where we’ve come from and what we knew there.

In this last decan of Cancer, we feel the gulf between luxury and scarcity. If some hoard wealth and resources, inevitably others go without. This Earth is rich but not infinite. What are we doing as individuals and collectives to be sure all are nurtured?

This Moon in Cancer is also out of bounds and trining Neptune. We are open to dreams and ready to think and feel outside the box.

Perhaps the action required in this First Quarter is first to dream a different world, one in which wealth is no longer defined as money in the bank, but instead in the richness of our communities and the health and safety of all people.

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