New Moon in Taurus: Deep Caring

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GrowThe New Moon in Taurus arrives on Sunday just after midnight in my time zone (EDT) and I’m hoping for caring, creative, sensuous dreaming. New Moons are a dark time, and I will be sleeping in a lovingly-crafted, comfortably dark cabin in the woods, the perfect Taurus retreat.

New Moons are times for planting seeds; Taurus is the sign of the patient gardener; the patterns of this New Moon call us into the deepest kind of caring.

Venus-ruled Taurus is the sign of the senses. Taurus loves rich colors, complex tastes, intriguing scents, soothing sounds, loving touch. Taurus understands that caring for others includes care of the self, so this is a great New Moon for promising to be nice to us.

New Moon May 18Venus herself travels through the very caring sign of Cancer, and forms a trine to visionary Neptune at the New Moon, reminding us that self care (and care of others) extends beyond the basic needs of the body (important as these are) to include creative expression and spiritual health.  This is a top-to-bottom New Moon, where everything from our cells to our cosmos is revealed as one connected garden offering delights and needing our care.

Venus also squares the Nodes of the Moon at the New Moon, a reminder that not caring for ourselves might get in the way of our ability to reach our life goals. Self care is not selfish, but prudent, as well as loving.

Need another reminder that self love and self care are vital? Mercury in lively Gemini and Jupiter in passionate Leo and both inconjunct transformative Pluto, forming a yod that says how we think, act and express ourselves can aide or get in the way of our personal transformation.

The help we need to solve the conundrum of the yod is what’s opposite Pluto. And there sits Venus! Loving self care and creative expressive are part and parcel of our transformative path too.

Mercury Rx May 18Mercury is worth noting at the New Moon because less than a day later, he stations retrograde for three weeks in Gemini. A Mercury in Gemini retrograde can bring disruptions in travel and communication, but look what happens at this particular retrograde opening:

The Moon has moved to conjunct Mercury, and trines the North Node, as if she is carrying the sensuous patience and loving care of the New Moon right into this retrograde time.

Retrogrades are always times for reflection, reassessment, review (all those re- words). Mercury in Gemini can move at the speed of light. If this retrograde channels some of the New Moon vibe, we’re being asked to slow down.

Over the next weeks, take time to look at the cost of going fast. If mistakes and delays come up, watch how you respond. What toll do irritation, frustration, and anxiety take? What benefits would calm and good humor offer?

blue sunflowerThis Mercury retrograde is the perfect ground for our New Moon seeds of self care. When we take loving care of ourselves, we accept setbacks more easily, allowing some to reveal themselves as opportunities. It’s also easier to take care of those we love, and those around us who need our support.

As the Venus–Neptune trine points out, everything really is connected and we can’t take ourselves out of the picture and still be whole. It’s OK to be good to you. When we do, we model what we want for others anyway, right?

Checking exactly where this New Moon falls for you will help fine tune your wishes and intentions. Wherever that might be, you can’t go wrong planning to offer kindness, caring, and creative expression to your own sweet self. It’s a wonderful place to begin, to create the flow that will encompass everything that is.

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