New Moon in Sagittarius: Fire in the Head

posted in: New Moon, Sagittarius | 2
Fire in the Head by Jen Delyth ©
Fire in the Head by Jen Delyth

Oh, who knew I would be here this morning, reawakening these posts on this day of the New Moon? I certainly did not!

Thank you, thank you, for all the support when I stopped blogging earlier this year. Do you know, I got amazing messages saying “I will miss you” and “this meant a lot to me” and still EVERY ONE said “I support you in this transition.” I was gobsmacked. Wow.

And now here I am … has this year been intense, or what? So many changes and the ride’s not over. For now, on this new version of the Rising Moon Astrology blog, look for posts on the New Moons as they arrive. If more happens … you’ll be the first to know.

New Moon in Sagittarius

The Sun and Moon are at 0 Sagittarius for this New Moon, with Venus and Ceres in Sagittarius on one side, and Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio on the other–not to mention a square from Neptune, and the ongoing Pluto–Uranus square. Energies are swirling around this morning!

Sagittarius is the sign of optimism, adventure, liberality, openness, enthusiasm. Think of the Ghost of Christmas Present: Larger than life and bearing gifts. The Sun and Moon at zero, the opening degree, light a new Fire. This is powerful! Fire is spirit, life force, energy at its most primal. What calls to you today? Where are sparks lighting your sky?

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and so, rules this New Moon, and he is in Leo, another Fire sign. Venus in Sag flanks the New Moon. This is creative fire. Something in each of us is coming forward to be expressed.

The New Moon is a time for making wishes, setting new directions, saying out loud to the cosmos what we welcome into our lives. What creative goals call to you now? What is longing for expression? What light can no longer be hidden? Bring it out!

There is a square from Neptune in Pisces, which brings even more creative energy to this New Moon–also a touch of glamourie, and the possibility for a bit of fog. Remember the New Moon is a dark time. We are planting seeds and cannot see the exact form they will take. Give yourself the leeway in your wishing to dream large, and accept what shows up.

… Because this is still a deeply transformative time. Saturn in Scorpio has forced us to face some deep truths in our lives, and he’s not about to let us flinch now. Jessica Murray’s Facebook post this morning calls for us to “ we play out this last chapter of the calendar year with integrity,” an excellent reading of Saturn’s role now.

New Moon Nov 22, 2014Pluto and Uranus likewise are not letting up on us, constantly asking us to face what is and choose our response. Mars in Capricorn gives us the oomph to get it done. Plant those seeds!

We can also ask to let go of things at the New Moon. What shadow does this New Moon hold? Sagittarius can get too BIG, a bit inflated, sometimes overextended.

With Jupiter in Leo, this New Moon could bring out our tendencies to be overconfident, ready to set everyone straight, lay dawn the law (Jupiter rules law and philosophy). That square from Neptune could add a touch of delusion, the enchanting idea that we know all the answers.

So we can also ask for this New Moon to open our hearts and release anything that keeps us locked in over-certainty. We can’t have the next adventure if we think we know it all already, can we?

Fire in the Head

The ancient Celts located the experience of creative inspiration, of illumination, in the head, where the fire of imbas, of awen, opened doors to beautiful poetry, entrancing stories, and true living.

This is akin to the tongues of flame, sign of the Holy Spirit, descending onto the heads of the apostles at Pentecost––and to the nimbus of light, the halo, surrounding the heads of saints and deities.

At this New Moon, we ask for illumination, and we prepare for the quest to find it. Yes, in Celtic tradition, and in hero tales everywhere, illumination does not show up when we sit at home. Illumination is something to be searched for, to be found, and to be claimed. In the process, we may well get burned.

In these transformational times, we face vital choices––paths––that determine the course of our lives, and all the lives to which we’re connected. (So, everything, basically, we just see some more clearly.)

Those tongues of flame are miracles, which is an outward sign of an inward grace. The tongues of flame are Sophia, the Holy Spirit, the wisdom goddesses.

Sophia is not always a figure of light, although she brings light: She is also associated with the Black Madonnas, the dark goddesses of hidden wisdom

At this New Moon in Sagittarius, where light and creativity and optimism call us forward, and still the Shadow reminds us of its presence, we plant seeds in the dark earth and long for the sight of new growth pushing its way into the light above.

May it be so for all of us!

2 Responses

  1. Jean Campbell

    Glad you’re back, MP 🙂

    For someone with a Moon, Mars, Satrun T-square, this is extremely useful information!

    • RisingMoon

      Thank you, Jean! I am following the path here, best I can. Lot of underbrush some days, but the light does get through.

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