New Moon in Gemini: Act!

posted in: Gemini, New Moon | 1
Odion Redon's Evocation of Butterflies
Odion Redon’s Evocation of Butterflies

Tomorrow morning, the New Moon in Gemini arrives trailing clouds of glory and possibly setting off a few fireworks––this is Gemini, after all, Mercury’s daytime sign. Mercury is traveling direct now, but he’s still the god of pickpockets and fast talkers, as well as traders, jugglers, and wordsmiths.

You might think a Gemini New Moon would be all talk, and most of it nonsense, but you’d be wrong about this one: First, Mars is conjunct the New Moon, bringing a directness and force not typical for a sign better known for its distractibility.

Second, this Moon comes with a Fire trine of Uranus the Awakener in Aries, Jupiter the Expander in Leo, and Pallas Athena the Warrior in Sagittarius. None of these three hesitate to act, and with all three joined forces, the urge to do something could feel overwhelming.

Venus is also in the Fire sign Leo, and she sextiles the North Node while trining the South. New Moons are usually quiet times of reflection, planting, gestation, but this one might feel more like rockets launching.

This is not a bad thing! Aren’t we all tired of confusion, doubt, dismay, and the one-step-forward-two-steps-back cha cha? We are! We’ve examined all sorts of things in the past months. Things we thought we were done with years ago, new things that came around the corner at warp speed, other crazy things that tripped us up in the dark. We are transformed beings now, whether we embraced it, or got dragged kicking and screaming.

The is the New Moon that says, OK, you’re at the starting gate. Your toe is at the line. You put all you have on this spin of the wheel. Now, GO!

New Moon June 16, 2015Of course it’s possible some of us might shoot off into space kind of randomly because we haven’t been paying attention. This can be avoided by … paying attention.

With this New Moon, we’re done with retrograde shell games, and all that confusing mystical stuff …  or are we? Neptune squares Mercury, she in Pisces, he in his home sign Gemini. This challenge reminds us we’re not alone. We have guidance if we listen. We’re not alone. We only need to ask.

Honestly, we’ve been through a lot and we’re ready. If you don’t feel ready, that’s ok too. Just try looking back six months, or a year, or even over the last few years, and tell me you’re in the same place now you were back then. Right. You’re not, are you?

So at this New Moon, check your birth chart to see where 25 degrees of Gemini falls, and also look at where you have key planets and points in and around 25 degrees of any sign. These are pointers to where you’re been invited to take action, to move decisively toward something you want, need, something you realized needed to be done during all those months of reflection.

I’ve always said New Moons are times for planting seeds, making wishes, and letting the universe take care of it. This is still true, but there are ways and ways of doing things, and this is a DOING kind of Moon. At this Moon, make decisive wishes. At this Moon, plant seeds firmly. At this Moon, reach for what you desire.

  1. Alison Huse Farhner

    I am ready.. putting everything I have on the spin of this wheel. Thank you for your insightful relay from the planets, Mary Pat!
    Your friend,

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