First Quarter Moon in Taurus: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

Tomorrow we reach the First Quarter Moon, the square between Moon and Sun that tests our resolve to move forward toward our goals. This First Quarter is in Taurus, squaring the Sun in Aquarius, and it feels like a lot is on the table right now.

We see the half Moon in the sky. A clear line, halfway there. But are we? Taurus likes comfort, the security of the familiar. This sign relies on a deep knowledge of the regular cycles of life.

Yet Mars is applying to conjunct Uranus, both in the final, most intense degrees of fiery Aries. We feel pressure building. Something is about to change, to break, but which way? What is coming?

Sun and Moon connect with the Nodes of the Moon. This is an important, fated time. The steady Taurus Moon trines Pluto and the South Node, remembering and renewing the past. We have the chance here to bring the best of our traditions forward.

The Aquarius Sun is inconjunct the North Node in Cancer. Our high principles, or perhaps our commitment to doing it our own way, may be at odds with a forward path that values real world caring for our family and tribe.

Mercury has just arrived in misty, mystical Pisces. We may withdraw into dreams and fantasy. Perhaps a retreat now is a betrayal of our forward momentum and we need to trust and keep going. Perhaps the worlds of dreaming offer exactly the guidance and solace we need to find the right path.

Only we can know which is best. With Chiron the wounded healer at 29 Pisces, energizing both Sun and Moon, we know this is a time of healing. Pay attention to what triggers you and choose the best path for yourself for healing and getting closer to your goals.

2 Responses

  1. Bee Smith

    This faith ( and its cousin trust) word keeps coming up! A medium friend has said she feels faith is the 2019 word of the year.

    • Mary Pat Lynch

      It does, Bee, and I think you’re right–faith and trust are important right now. Not, though, blind faith, or trust in the powers that be. I think we’re looking for something deeper to carry us through these times. Thanks for your comment <3

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